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Product NO¡GEasyroll
Product Name¡GEasyroll

Product Description¡G

Our Production Plant in Mainland China.....
Our production base in Mainland China consists of the following key departments.
„h Production Line
„h Research & Development
„h Quality Test & Control
A Solution to Cost Effectiveness & Savings.....
There are more than 90,000,000 nos. of rollers currently using in over 40,000
airports around the world, and most of them will be replaced within 5 years. It
represents an average of 18,000,000 nos. of rollers to be replaced which will save up
Millions of USD for enterprises and create several hundred Millions USD potential
sales each year.
Composite Nylon Roller Vs Aluminum Alloy Roller
Common aluminum rollers can only exhibit sufficient hardness and stiff for the job.
Due to the inherent characteristics of metal, there is limitation in wear resistance
and skid resistance. There are some designs that try to improve these weaknesses,
e.g. by increasing the wear resistance composition in the alloy or by using a tread
surface to increase the skid resistance. However, the results are neither satisfactory
nor cost effective.
So far aluminum alloy roller is the only roller available in the market, it is used in all
brands of cargo loaders. In these 10 years, we have observed that many loader
service providers or end‐users complained about the high price and the potential
hazards to the operators caused by the noise and metal dust generated during
operation. In addition, during rainy weathers, since there is no skid proof function,
the cargo box movement on the loaders easily gets out of control. The cargo box is
either not rotating or simply skidding. Additional manual handling and guiding of the
cargo boxes on the loader surface are necessary. Many accidents occurred during
the loading and unloading operations caused by mal‐function of the rollers should be
seriously looked at.
Development of Composite Nylon Roller
Actually, our composite nylon roller has been using satisfactorily in over 70
cargo/pallet loaders in one of the world's most busiest cargo & passenger handling
airport, Hong Kong International Airport since 1999. Total numbers of composite
nylon rollers currently using reached to 70,000 nos.
The composite nylon roller for cargo/pallet loaders, developed jointly by Sun Tung
Engineering Limited and EASYROLL Technology (Hong Kong) Limited, has earned
wide reputation for quality and durability. Since its first application in the Hong Kong
International Airport in 1999, research and development has never been stopped. In
these 10 years, a total of six generations of the rollers has been developed. We are
now in total control of the formulation and production process with regard to the
hardness, stiffness, wear resistance and skid resistance, the four important working
characteristics of the roller, to satisfy our customer's requirements. The production
technology of the Composite Nylon Roller is unique and patent application in various
countries is underway.
New Benefits
1. Cost Savings
There are 20‐40% Cost Savings against Aluminum Roller.
2. Better Performance / Skid proof
It carried excellent skid proof performance particularly in rainy or extreme weathers.
It is easy to control particularly when cargo box turning in rainy weathers. No
additional manual handling and guiding of the cargo box is required.
3. More Durable/Wear Resistance
It is 2.5 times of aluminum roller which is equivalent to 20,000 hours of operations
while aluminum roller has only 8,000 hours.
4. Quality Tested
This is a unique formula being tested by SGS in the areas of Hardness, Taber
Abrasion, Dynamic Coefficient of Friction, IZOD Impact Strength and Water
Absorption, plus 10‐year on‐site operations experience in Hong Kong Int’l Airport by
HK Airport Services Ltd. & Jardine Aviation Services.
5. Reduced Weight
Its weight is only 42% of aluminum roller which reduces potential damage to loader’s
hydraulic pump as well as less fuel consumption.
6. Environmental Improvement
It creates better & safety working environment to ground support staffs with no
potential hazards caused by noise and metal dust and significant drop in labor
accident under rainy weathers.
7. Warranty
3 years warranty is granted while others has no warranty.

Holo-Pack Technology Co., Ltd